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Plumber That Can Fix Clogged Rental Property Drains

The tenant of this rental property had bad smells coming from their kitchen sink so we helped them clear their blocked drain. It was full of food scraps and debris

Nu-Trend is a plumber that can repair blocked drains in rental properties in Sydney that are houses, units or apartments. Our licensed plumbers carry a range of professional tools and equipment that can detect water leaks, CCTV cameras to inspect plumbing and hot water high pressure water blasting tools to clear any type of blockage in a rental property drain.

We can be hired by a tenant, landlord or a real estate property manager to visit a site, inspect the blocked drain problem and provide solutions to repair the issue. In some rare cases there could be an underlying plumbing problems that are the cause and yes, we’ve found sites with illegal plumbing installed in the past. For most cases it is simply something blocking the pipes like food, rubbish or tree roots. 

This rental property in Sydney had bad smells coming out of their kitchen sink.

It is important to repair a blocked rental property drain especially when it is a unit or apartment in a building with other tenants. There is the potential for the blockage to cause issues in adjoining properties, blocking toilets, showers or bathroom sinks because all of the plumbing is shared in the building.

In this example the tenants were experiencing bad smells coming from their kitchen sink. They thought it may have been food that had gone off in their fridge or rubbish left in their bin. They cleaned everything out, but still had a smell and eventually they realised it was coming from the drain in the kitchen sink. They tried to unblock the drain themselves using hot water but nothing worked.

Nu-Trend can provide contracted plumbing services to any real estate agent in Sydney to ensure that all rental properties being managed can receive a high quality service for any type of plumbing requirement. This includes general plumbing maintenance, fixing leaking taps or repairing blocked drains.

Nu-Trend is often contracted to renovate rental property bathrooms to get them ready to be listed for new tenants. This can help increase the average weekly rental price.

What causesrental property kitchen sink drains to get blocked?

The tenant of this rental property had submitted a complaint to their real estate agent about bad smells coming from their kitchen sink. The property manager at East Avenue Realty contacted us to see if our licensed plumbers in Sydney could carry out a plumbing inspection and work out what was causing the blockage in the pipes.

In most cases when a kitchen sink drain is blocked and you have bad smells it means food scraps or other debris has been put down the drain that has been caught in the pipes that, over time, causes a blockage. When you combine food, grease and other debris it can create build up over time that eventually creates a blockage that stops water from flowing. This will decompose and being to smell.

What is the fastest way to repair a clogged kitchen sink drain in a Sydney rental property?

As we had mentioned, it is important to repair a blocked rental property drain especially when it is a unit or apartment in a building block with other tenants. There is the potential for the blocked drain to cause issues to the adjoining properties as they all share the same plumbing system.

Our licensed plumber visited the rental property and the tenant explained the nasty smells they were experiencing from their kitchen sink. After investigating, what we found was a heap of mould and fungi that was growing inside the sink connectors. This is created from a combination of old food leftovers and mushrooms that have been put into the drain that did not break down enough to go through the waste pipes.

We had to pull each piece of the drainage system apart, remove it and then thoroughly clean it including a full scrub inside the pipes to remove any grease or grime build up. We then reconnected everything and tested it to make sure everything worked properly.

There was no more smell & the kitchen sink drained quickly when it was filled with water. Kitchen plumbing works in similar ways to bathroom plumbing and our team have worked on lots of different sites to repair various problems. From leaking taps to pipe blockages.

Our plumbing team can repair blocked kitchen, laundry or bathroom sinks for either owner-occupied or rental properties in Sydney. We can deal directly with the owner of the home, a landlord or even the tenants to get access at a suitable time to then assess and repair the problem.

We are a Sydney contractor that has worked with lots of real estate agencies, building services companies, strata management teams or even cleaning companies who needed help with the plumbing for rental properties. Rental property plumbing can be quite complex because of the high percentage that is shared throughout multiple dwellings inside a building. Even more difficult when it is multi-storey structures that also have stormwater drainage, car parking facilities etc.

Does the tenant or the landlord pay for rental property plumbing problems?

If you are a tenant living in a rental property in NSW then it is important to understand your rights. The Department of Fair Trading provides a guideline related to who pays for maintenance and repairs. This information isn’t absolutely black and white, as you can imagine there are millions of different possible scenarios to consider.

The laws basically state that landlords are responsible for repairing and maintaining the property so that it is in a reasonable state of repair, but with consideration of its age, the amount of rent being paid, and the prospective life of the property.

It doesn’t mean things have to be in perfect condition but the state of the property and the level of repair expected should be in proportion to the property’s age and the amount of rent. So in practical terms it means things like the water or sewage should be working. Typically the tenant must have written permission from the landlord or real estate agent (including agreement on reimbursement if applicable), unless the repair is an urgent repair.

The process would be that a tenant should request the repair in writing to the landlord explaining what needs fixing so the process of organising a contractor to conduct the repairs can begin. Even when repairs are not completed, a tenant should never stop paying the rent.

A smelly drain wouldn’t be considered urgent, but if the pipes were all blocked and the property was getting flooded then this may be treated as an emergency situation.

We have lots of rental property plumber reviews

Below are some of the great review we have received from real estate agents that we were contracted by. Over the years we have received hundreds of great reviews about our plumber service, see more here.

As a Real Estate Agent we look for reliability, responsiveness and professionalism but also of course for our clients quality and affordability of the job carried out.

Nu Trend Plumbing tick all those boxes and I highly recommend them to everyone given my stand out experience with them.

Shoutout to Rick the Director who is very informative, prompt, professional and has a can do attitude with every scenario.


Local, licensed & insured

Plumber | Renovator | Drainer | Gas fitter

Nu-Trend is a company in Sydney that has provided plumber and bathroom renovation services since 2009. The Directors Rob and Rick are hands-on, providing a personal service.

Nu-Trend ABN registration

A business operating in Sydney, Australia, with an active ABN.

Nu-Trend licensed with Fair Trading

A qualified and licensed renovator with valid NSW Fair Trading license.

Nu-Trend with HIA Insurance

Public liability & HIA Home Owners insurance provided for peace of mind.

Nu-Trend licensed with Sydney Water

Sydney Water

We work closely with Sydney Water for all plumbing requirements.

Nu-Trend complies to Australian Standards


A renovation business that builds new bathrooms to meet Australian Standards.

We are a bathroom renovator in Sydney that has completed thousands of bathroom renovations.

Nu-Trend has been operating since 2009 as an independent bathroom renovation and plumbing contractor in Sydney. Rick and his team provide a wide range of services for home owners in houses, units, apartments or businesses.

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